
For Settimo Pizzolato, everything about the label for Pizzolato wine is personal⁠—from the facestock to the imagery. For more than three decades, he’s been crafting his natural and organic wine at home, on the family farm in Villorba, Italy.

Designer Dina Vecchiato aimed to craft a label that would subtly tell the story of Pizzolato⁠—at a glance, with a touch. Of the design, she says, “The idea was to use the company’s distinctive element, the dragonfly, in a vintage style⁠—combined with a natural, recycled paper that fully expresses the company’s philosophy.”

To create a label with a sustainable look and feel, Dina and Pizzolato Sales Manager Sabrina Rodelli chose Fasson® rCrush Grape FSC®.

“This particular paper⁠—recycled and made with 15% grape waste, 40% post-consumer recycled fibers, and 45% virgin cellulose⁠—is an ecological innovation. Choosing it was a sustainable and innovative choice for the winery. We’ve been creating certified organic wines since 1991; this paper matches our commitment to a 100% green future and environmental protections. These are fundamental aspects on which the lifestyle of the brand is based.”

According to Settimo, “Our customers are accustomed to the careful, curious, and green choices we make for our organic wines. Their impressions and opinions were absolutely positive and our wine sales increased. Choosing a ‘green’ label was a natural choice for our wines.
