Cantina Strappelli’s Genziana

Cantina Strappelli’s Genziana

An Abruzzo Tradition: Cantina Strappelli’s Genziana

Design Agency / Creative Director: Cecilia Pepe 
Brand: Cantina Strappelli
Print: Gicherstampa
Photography: Enrico Morf
Label materials:  Fasson-Rustique Blanc FSC


In the small town of Torano Nuovo in Abruzzo, Italy, the Cantina Strappelli family-owned winery boasts one of the province's most breathtaking and picturesque panoramas. Dotted with charming cottages and lush vineyards, it's situated on a hillside at 241 meters above sea level. Since ancient times, the area has been known for its vine cultivation and wine production and the winery's processes. The family is particularly committed to using traditional methods while experimenting with modern ones. By blending old-world craftsmanship and new technology, these wines have an unmistakable authenticity and character that reflect the region's culture and landscape.

One of this renowned winery's products is a Genziana liqueur, typical of several regions of Italy. It is derived from the roots of the gentian plant, a native species to the region, and is known for its bitter and dry flavor and intense straw color. As Cantina Strappelli uses the same traditional methods and ingredients that go into the original recipe, it was determined to make its product stand out visually so that its outside reflects what's inside. With Creative Director Cecilia Pepe, the brand embarked on a journey to develop its visual identity. 

Cantina Strappelli’s Genziana
Cantina Strappelli’s Genziana

'This design features a stylized gentian flower in a bas-relief, symbolizing the new path for Cantina Strappelli. The simplicity of the elements and the dynamism of the information arranged on the label reflects the spirit of the product while evoking its Abruzzo cultural heritage," explains Cecilia. In keeping with the brands' identity and approach, the chosen font reflects both the old tradition and the modern era, perfectly embodying the concept of staying up-to-date without forgetting its roots. Our Fasson® Rustique Blanc FSC® paper served as the canvas for Cecilia's vision, thanks to its natural composition and ability to adapt to finishing techniques in the printing process. "By using this paper, I was able to emphasize that sense of naturalness and value that I wanted to highlight, and it helps bring out the product's color without overshadowing it," Cecilia adds.

Torano Nuovo stands at the center of an uncontaminated natural environment still capable of producing various crops—which is the perfect source of inspiration for this design. "The label communicates this concept through simplicity: a few elements that are highlighted by the printing process create that perfect union between harmony and uniqueness," concludes Cecilia. 

With Cantina Strappelli's growth over the years, it has stayed true to its core values and continues to produce quality wines that reflect the terroir of Abruzzo as well as its passion and skill. Each bottle it produces demonstrates its commitment to excellence and unique approach to creating premium beverages—and Genziana is no exception.


 Cantina Strappelli’s Genziana

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